Look into the cracks for maps to other times and places. Like rocks on riverbeds, find fragments of those worlds marking invisible trails from here to there.
[all maps + text in process]
[CONCEPT - Why follow the cracks? If concrete is infrastructural matter that enables the movement of other matter, if it creates the grounds on which other objects operate, what then do cracks do? When infrastructure cracks, movements may be frustrated, delayed, detoured but the operations of objects don’t simply cease. What kind of matter moves along the cracks in concrete? How do cracked concrete objects create the grounds for other objects to operate?]
[TIMELINE 01 - all the layers of industry and operations - all the lives in all the buildings - all the substances seeping - all the things made and circulating in and out of here]
[ROGUE PIXELS 01 - “Today most important things want to remain invisible... Love is invisible. War is invisible. Xapital is invisible...” —Hito Steyerl, How Not to be Seen: A Fucking Didactic Educational .MOV File (2013)]
[ZOOM OUT - macrogeographical from where the river comes and where it’s going]
[TIMELINE 02 - a different time, temporality, rhythm - not a “landlocked chronology” —Olivia Laing, To the River: A Journey Beneath the Surface (2011)]
[PLAN Bs - unbuilt projects and proposals for the river]
[ROGUE PIXELS 02 - “Rogue pixels hide in the cracks of old standards of resolution. They throw off the cloak of representation.” —Hito Steyerl, How Not to be Seen: A Fucking Didactic Educational .MOV File (2013)]