Morgan Kulas

Edwards, CO


As an enactment of soft rebellion, I turn towards the landscape to give the tender, hungry, and exiled pieces of myself the emotional freedom to dance. I wander, root, listen, carve, and empty. De-constructing, de-influencing, and re-wilding my body. I forage gestures, memories, and questions that I carry home to collage into choreographic, poetic, medicinal, and colorful curiosities. I trust that whatever vital emerges in me is a gossamer cord weaving me intra the universal moving consciousness.


Mysticopoetics I, 2023, Altar

Mysticopoetics II, 2023, Eco-Dance Documentation

(click on image to view single panel video installation)

Mysticopoetics III, 2023, Digital Collage, 18 x 24

Mysticopoetics IV, 2023, Ephemera Collage

Movements of Mind

Committee Members

Amanda Hamp

Szu-Han Ho

Dominika Laster

Mary Mattingly

Carol Padberg